Tag Archives: Funny Money

Funny Money- Print is NOT Dead!

And they said print was dead…

It is common knowledge that a WoW Magazine was recently released. Due to the widespread success of this endeavor, Blizzard has now released another WoW magazine, this one dedicated to the official forums.

Forum Commenter Issue One
Forum Commenter Issue Two

Looks like they’ve really nailed their target audience here.

But what would happen if everyone got his or her own magazine? It would probably look something like this.

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Funny Money- Halloween is for Nerds (And That’s Why We Love It)

Halloween now safely behind us, it is time to have a fun look back at the best geeky moments of our favorite holiday.

  • Check out the Geek-O-Lanterns. Which one was your favorite? Ours was the Death Star. Ha! Freakin’ Awesome!
  • High-tech costumes were all the rage…
  • …But there were some standouts of the low-tech variety as well.
  • The Apple Store’s treats were really tricks. Still pretty cool though.
  • Want to freak out the kids that come to your door next year? Just build one of these.
  • Looks like the folks from The Today Show learned a thing or two about the dangers of drunken Ewoks. Meh, probably not but it was still the most entertaining thing we’ve seen on that show in years. It’s not every day that you see an Ewok dry-hump Al Roker’s leg.

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Funny Money- One Man’s Trash…

This weekend one of our team members did a lot of PVPing to pass the time while the AH was down. Now he generally enjoys PVP so we weren’t surprised to hear that this is how he spent his time but we were taken aback when he said that he found an item dropped by one of the mobs in Wintergrasp that reminded him of a girl he ‘dated’ in his college days. The drop was just a common junk item but we began to understand his meaning when he further explained that the ex-girlfriend’s name was Cyrstal.


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Funny Money-Money, Beautiful Money

This week we explore the beauty of money

  • Some people feel that the US currency is boring so they’ve decided to jazz it up a bit.
  • Taken another direction, here’s some conceptual attempts at a redesign.
  • It wasn’t always boring though; we used to have some pretty badass currency.
  • CNBC did some globetrotting to find what they think is the prettiest money in the world.
  • Of course, it is what you do with it that matters most right?
  • We’re not the only ones who find art in the tools of commerce. One person dedicated a show to the fine art of giving away free money. On a related note, this is about the dumbest thing we’ve ever seen. Wonder why we weren’t invited…
  • We’d like to see what this guy would do with a currency design. Of course, we already have a hard enough time finding our money so maybe that’s not such a good idea after all.

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Funny Money-WoW, Professionally

The moments where WoW and Work intersect.

It’s hard work being a theoretical physicist

But apparently it is even harder being a gold farmer.

Of course, the game sometimes gets in the way of work.

Other times it is the game itself that feels like a job.

Finally, it’s good to know that if you work hard enough you can reach the highest level.

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Funny Money- Signs of a Brighter Future

Last week on Funny Money we commented on signs of our cultural decline. This week we focus on the positive.

Here’s your ‘awwwww’ moment of the week: Kids from a NY school actually improve upon an already awesome song by The Cure.

Speaking of New York, how bad can the economy be if local news announcer Ernie Anastos still has a job after pulling this stunt. Check out the female reporter’s face… priceless. (NSFWish– depends how good your neighbor’s hearing is and how uptight the boss is)

Since we mention awkward, we should probably point out the most awkward moment of the year thus far: “Oh, you mean… Oh I see… So that was yesterday… Well, never mind then.” (note, probably NSFW. Not really bad but could cause your own awkward incident). Seriously though, I think that chick is in my guild.

The official list of best/worst professionals to date was released. Sadly, we fall on the wrong side of the equation (knew I shoulda ditched college for pizza delivery school!)

This movie just looks badass. Fellow nerds, Rejoice!

You’ve been a great audience. See you next week for more Funny Money!

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Funny Money- The State of Our Culture

This is who we are:


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Funny Money- The Thin Line Between Real and WoW

Every now and then you come across something out there in the real world that makes you think of World of Warcraft.

Just when you realize that maybe it is you. Perhaps you’ve played too much. You’re just hearing and seeing things that were never really there.  You realize that the guy that sang the damned song is, indeed, (NSFW- Strong language- Warning) a WoW addict himself. And maybe you’re not that crazy after all. So tell the angry girlfriend and the mean old judge to chill.

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Funny Money- Torturing the Gold Spammers

It happens to everyone, that way too cheery greeting from a toon you’ve never heard of that is almost always level 1 and in a starting zone. If they speak before you get the chance to report or ignore them they’ll ask you if you want to buy gold. We’ve mentioned our stance on buying gold before; this post is not about that. Today we’re turning the situation on its head and letting these idiots become a source of amusement instead of annoyance.

During a WoWenomics team meeting a few weeks ago a few of the members of the WoWenomics team got to talking about telemarketers and how they deal with them. The answers varied from the typical hang up on them to politely declining but one team member said he likes to have fun with them. He always puts on a voice or some sort of act that, he feels, makes their calls a lot less annoying. He tells the callers that solicit money for volunteer fire departments that he is an arsonist and the Policemen’s Benevolent Association that he’s a crook. He only answers salesmen with the phrase, “I love it.” Sometimes, he just lays down the phone and blasts the infamous Rickroll song into the receiver or simply says, “hold on for a minute, let me get my wallet.” and never returns. Yes, he is a royal pain in the ass.

Now before you get all upset and think “but how could he do that to the poor retired policemen” etc. you should know that most of these calls are fraudulent. Sure, some of the organizations do actually donate a miniscule amount of their proceeds to legitimate causes but 10% does not a charity make.

Anyway, this got us to thinking about how we could apply the same logic to gold spammers. Over the past few weeks we’ve been testing out our different approaches. Here are our three favorites:

3. Tell the gold spammer that you are extremely interested. You want to buy right away. You MUST know the discount code and web address immediately. Then, before they can respond, put them on ignore.

2. Convince them to come to a city to tell you more about the deal. Say that you won’t deal with them unless you can see who you are talking too. If they are dumb enough to show up, point and /yell “THIS GUY’S A GOLD SPAMMER” over and over.

1. And our number one new favorite way to deal with the gold sellers is… tell them that you are not interested right now but your friend was just talking to you about wanting to buy gold. Give them the name of your trading rival. Let them drive your competitors nuts instead. Works best if you use give them the same name over and over.

Incidentally, we checked with a GM about the above and none of these actions can get you banned. The GM we spoke with did ask that you simply report the spammer instead of interacting with them and we asked in the same polite tone that Blizzard enact policies that deal with the issue effectively instead of asking players to do it. That pretty much ended our conversation but leaves us in the clear to give the spammers a taste of their own annoying medicine. Just so long as you don’t do any soliciting yourself, you are free to find your own ways to torture the spammers.

Oh, and for the record, the best telemarketer prank ever was pulled off a few years ago by comedian Tom Mabe. (Warning: Slightly inappropriate) Try topping that one!


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Funny Money- About That Love Life…

Using what was undoubtedly an advanced algorithm, The folks over at the Graph Jam site recently statistically calculated the reasons for issues with love interests that some internet users seem to be having. Ouch! That one hit a bit close to home!

The real humor is found in the 400+ (as of this writing) comments that read something like an old school version of barrens chat. Here’s the TL;DR summary:

Person one: “I am not a nerd.”
Person two: “Yes you are.”
Person one: “Here are examples of my RL success. Plus, you can ask my mom!”
Random person three: “Pallis are hot!”

Have a great week everyone!

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